Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday blues

Monday is really not my most favourite day. Monday when you have a sick, green nosed toddler who you have to leave at home with the nanny is even lower on my must do list. However, this was a good weekend and that helps to make this monday a little bit more palatable. I was thoroughly spoilt for mother's day and enjoyed seeing my niece, sister-in-law and mother-in-law on the weekend. Family certainly makes the good times great and the bad times better.

I found a little bit of time to do some scrapbooking on Sunday night and did three pages which helped to scratch this crazy i must do something now, must make something itch i have right now. I love the vintage childhood paper that i have. I also loved brainstorming with my mom-in-law about all the wonderful stuff that i just NEED to make. I admire her ability to make just about anything and wished that she lived closer so that i could learn from her. I am still frightened of my sewing machine, although i am working on (It can be pretty mean). She helped me think of a great idea for a seasonal mini wall quilt for above my fire place. I wish i didnt have four other projects going right now so that i could start it.

Anyway, wishing a managable and not maniac monday..... And dont you just love this vintage post card... man i wish i had a lassie to help me get out of bed in the morning!

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