Monday, February 15, 2010

I ....

  • am at home with a sick child.
  • tired after a good weekend with my mother in law.  She spent three days with us and the boys loved her being around.  Seth even let out a bloody curling howl when she had to go.
  • is having a bit of a maniac creative block, which is caused by having too many projects that she wants to start right now and thus feeling overwhelmed.
  • was proud of getting her butt to gym even in the midst of the crazy weekend.
  • but was still tempted to buy a custard slice today and take it home with her and eat it.
  • watched "overboard" with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel and loved it.  Old movies rock.
  • is a bit stressed that hubby is going away for two days tomorrow leaving me with the abovementioned sick kid.
  • Feels like good school mom after helping to sell food at the valentines disco on Friday night for gabby and making home made flash cards to help him with his ABC's.  The disco was a blast.  It was still purely dancing with your friends and no yucky girls!  How i see that changing.....

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